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How to Propagate Succulents

Succulents are a delightful addition to any garden or windowsill. Their unique shapes, diverse textures, and vibrant colors make them eye-catching.

While buying mature succulents is one option, many garden enthusiasts enjoy the satisfying process of propagating their new baby plant. By understanding the basics and utilizing the right methods, you can develop a lush garden of these drought-tolerant beauties.

This article will delve into the different methods for propagating succulents.


Four pots display a variety of succulents, including Echeveria Elegans, Sedum Rubrotinctum, Aloe Vera, and Haworthia Cooperi, each with its unique leaf shape and color.

Propagation Methods: An Overview

Propagation is the process of producing new plants. It’s an important process because it can help increase the number of plants in a garden or nursery. It can also help preserve rare or endangered plant species to ensure they continue to exist worldwide.

Lastly, propagation can help reduce the cost of purchasing new plants, which can be used for several purposes, like party decorations and giveaways.

Typically, there are various methods to propagate plants, but there are primarily three standard methods for succulents. These include:


Propagate Succulents from Leaves: A Delicate Process

Various succulent propagation methods including leaf cuttings, stem cuttings, and offsets, displayed together for reference.

One of the most popular methods of propagating succulents is leaf cutting. It works best with succulents with flat, fleshy leaves like Echeveria, Sempervivum, and Jade plants.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for leaf propagation:

  • Select Healthy Leaves: Select healthy, mature succulent leaves from the mother plant. Ensure they’re free from any signs of disease or pests.
  • Detach with Care: Gently twist the succulent leaf from the stem. It should come off cleanly. Avoid breaking the leaf.
  • Let it Callus: Place the succulent leaf in a shaded area for several days to allow the cut end to form a callus. This reduces the risk of rot when planted.
  • Planting: Once the entire leaf has become callused, place it atop well-draining soil. Don’t bury it; let its base make slight contact with the soil.
  • Watering: Keep the succulent soil slightly moist but not wet. It’s vital to avoid overwatering as it can cause the succulent leaf to rot.
  • Root and Bud Development: In a few weeks, new sources and possibly a new bud should emerge from the leaf’s base. Once new growth occurs, the original succulent leaf withers away.


Leaf cuttings are a great way to propagate succulents and create new plants for your collection. They’re also an excellent way to share your favorite succulent collections with friends and family, especially during residential events.


Stem Cuttings: A Swift Method

A close-up view process of a succulent leaf cutting being prepared for propagation, highlighting the delicate nature of the process.

For those plant succulents with more elongated stems, stem cutting might be a more suitable method. It’s a reliable and efficient way to produce new plants. Most succulents are known for their ability to root easily from stem cuttings, making them a popular choice for beginner and experienced gardeners.

To perform a proper stem cutting process, it’s essential to consider the following:

  • Choose a Healthy Stem: Look for a robust stem without any signs of damage or disease to start the stem propagation process.
  • Making the Cut: With sterilized scissors or shears, make a clean cut, removing a stem’s segment.
  • Allow to Callus: Similar to leaf cuttings, the cut end should be shaded for several days to form a callus.
  • Planting: Once callused, insert the stem cuttings into well-draining soil, deep enough to support its weight but without burying a few leaves.
  • Watering Regime: Water sparingly until roots are established. Overwatering can be detrimental to the succulent cuttings.


Following these steps in stem propagation, your stem cutting will soon root and start to grow into a new baby succulent.


Offsets Or Pups: Mother Nature’s Gifts

A cluster of succulent offsets or pups growing at the base of the parent plant, showcasing the natural propagation process.

Many succulents produce offsets, often referred to as “pups.” These small plants grow at the base of the mature succulents and can be separated to grow independently. As such, they’re considered as another method to propagate succulents.

To perform this propagation process effectively, below are the steps you need to take:

  • Offset Identification: Look for small, budding plants growing at the base of a mother plant.
  • Separation: Using a sharp, sterilized tool, gently separate the pup from the mother plant to ensure it retains some healthy roots.
  • Planting: Plant the offset in well-draining soil, treating it as you would in a mother plant.
  • Watering: Initially, water until the pup establishes new roots.

With patience and proper care, this method can help you propagate succulents and yield new baby succulents ready to enhance any physical or virtual space.


image text: Tips For Successful Propagation: Use Well-Draining Soil, Provide Adequate Light, Be Patient, Maintain Cleanliness.

Tips For Successful Propagation

Aside from the different methods, it is important to get familiar with some tips on propagating succulents more effectively. Having this knowledge can ensure your succulents thrive after a successful propagation process. Some essential tips include:

Use Well-Draining Soil

Succulents have adapted to thrive in arid environments. They store water in their thick leaves, stems, and roots. This means they’re susceptible to root rot if left in stagnant water for extended periods. Using well-draining soil can ensure that too much moisture doesn’t cause root rot.

However, even with the right succulent soil, it’s essential to be cautious about watering. Always check the moisture level before watering to ensure the soil has dried out from the last session.

Provide Adequate Light

Most succulents are accustomed to bright, sun-drenched habitats. Replicating this light exposure ensures they grow healthy. While propagating succulents, keep cuttings and pups in indirect sunlight.

Once established, gradually introduce them to more sunlight per their specific needs. In areas where direct sunlight is scarce, consider using grow lights. These can provide the necessary spectrum of light that succulent plants need to thrive.

Be Patient

Unlike animals, plants take their time. Some succulent varieties may sprout roots or grow pups faster than others. Some succulent leaves or cuttings might not develop, while others may take time. Patience is key to seeing the results. Keep a propagation journal and note down when root succulent cuttings were planted and any visible changes to track progress and learn about the plant’s growth rate.

Maintain Cleanliness

Just a speck of mold or a small bug can jeopardize the entire succulent propagation process. Ensuring that tools are sterilized, and the propagation area is clean minimizes the risk of introducing pathogens and significantly improves the chance of successfully propagating succulents.

Also, simple care practices, including washing hands or using clean water, can make a difference in letting succulents thrive. It’s also recommended to quarantine the new plant before introducing it to your existing succulent collection to prevent the potential spread of diseases or pests.

Incorporating these tips when propagating succulents can improve the likelihood of success. While there’s always a learning curve involved, understanding the natural requirements of these indoor plants can lead to a successful propagation experience.


Start Propagating Your Succulents Today!

Propagating succulents can be a rewarding experience. Therefore, if you’re a succulent lover who wants to incorporate them into various activities, being well-informed can help you master the succulent propagation process and enjoy a flourishing collection of these unique baby plants.

However, if you still have questions, you can contact the experts from Succulent Bar, who are ready to offer various plant tips and tricks and succulent DIYS, ensuring a seamless planting experience.

About the Author

WHO IS Jessica Siefert

Jessica Siefert is the owner and succulent expert behind Succulent Bar. Based in Texas, she has a passion for plants and a talent for creating unique experiences for her community. With years of event planning and interior design studies, Jessica’s skills and knowledge are highly sought after in the succulent community. Her love for plants and dedication to her craft has earned her a reputation as a trusted authority on succulents.

Whether creating beautiful succulent arrangements for events or teaching others about the care and maintenance of these plants through her in-person and virtual planting experiences, Jessica’s expertise shines through in everything she does. She has a deep-rooted love for her craft and is dedicated to sharing her knowledge with others. With Succulent Bar, Jessica has created a business that is both successful and fulfilling, and she looks forward to continuing to serve her community with her passion and expertise.